Mobile iV therapy

Where Wellness & Luxury Meet

Our Services

Revitalize, detoxify and feel completely refreshed today. Our customizable IV treatments are delivered directly into your bloodstream to completely absorb key nutrients essential for your body.


Vitamin boosters

Experience long-lasting energy and help your body maintain optimum efficiency with our intramuscular vitamin injections that take seconds to administer.

Frequently Asked Questions

That depends on your symptoms and health concerns. Our highly-skilled medical staff will discuss your options so that you can make the best decision.

While with any shot or intravenous service, there can be some pain, our highly-trained staff make every effort to minimize any potential discomfort. 

Clients with allergies to any of the components, clients with moderate to severe kidney disease, and expectant mothers or breastfeeding are not candidates for this service. Anyone else who is 18 years or older, who has completed the appropriate paperwork and consent(s) may receive IV services.

Contact us and schedule an appointment today!

Experience the powerful advantages of IV therapy

Ivy Med Boutique will bring all the benefits of IV therapy to you whether you seek treatment to enhance wellness, energy, aid with fatigue, jet lag, or other similar benefits.

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